Monday, January 2, 2012

What this is all about

This is my dream:

Fresh, homemade, and delicious bread.  (Note, I found this picture on the internet) 

The few times I have tried to make bread it usually ends up as a disaster.  Nothing rises, it is tasteless, tough, and overall horrible.  Now I just feel intimidated and scared of bread.

I’ve read a lot of beginner bread recipe books and I just haven’t been able to succeed at it.  Until now, well hopefully.

I came across this book:

It reads almost like a text book with the recipes starting out easy and then getting harder and more technical as the book goes on.  I know it will be the secret weapon I need to achieve my dreams of wonderful, tasty bread.

This blog is going to be my documentation of failures and successes as I work through this book.

Dear bread world:  Get ready because here I come! (evil chuckling)

1 comment:

  1. I too, am just starting out learning how to make bread. I'm excited to see your progress!
