Wednesday, February 22, 2012

PASTA: Bread’s Unleavened Cousin

Bread and pasta must be related because both are predominantly made of flour. Homemade pasta seems like a natural addition to my blog and it is something that I’ve always wanted to try.

FUN FACT: There are hundreds of different shapes of pasta!

My friend, Sarah, and I have been talking about making ravioli for a while and we finally got around to doing it.

The dough recipe only required a few ingredients, all of which were common items. They all went into the KitchenAid and mixed until it looked like a course pie dough.

 After a little mixing and kneading you have pasta dough.

The next part, rolling out the dough, was really hard. Since we were making ravioli the dough had to be thin; the recipe said 1/8 inch! I don’t have a pasta roller so we had to roll this out with pure elbow grease. Sarah was so good at it!

SIDE NOTE: Rolling out the dough was really, really hard. As in, you could probably substitute going to the gym for hand rolling pasta. Save your time and arms by getting a pasta roller!

I’m definitely getting a pasta roller for the next time I try this. If you can make it through rolling out the dough the next part is really fun.

We filled our ravioli with a spinach and mushroom concoction.  A small dollop was placed on the sheet of dough.

The dough was folded over the filling and then we tried to get all the air bubbles out. This turned out to be harder than we thought. We ended up finding a few stow away air bubbles in some of the finished ravioli.

Then, we used a ravioli press to cut the pieces.

FUN FACT: Ravioli in the singular form is raviolo

The edging of the ravioli press creates a perforation in the dough so the pasta easily tears out.

(Thanks for the great pic Sarah!)

We haven’t eaten ours yet, so I’m not sure how they taste. They sure smelled great while we were making them.

The dough recipe we used is from here and the filling recipe is from here

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